Introducing Jacques Francois Costeau!
I call him "Frankie" for short. He is a 29lb French Bulldog and was a rescue dog. I have always wanted a French Bulldog but didn't want to buy one from a breeder. So, I told my friend that if a French Bulldog ever came up for adoption to give me a call. However, they are very rarely up for adoption with rescue groups so it wasn't until four years later I got an email from her saying "check him out!" That was on Friday February 8th. On Saturday February 9th Frankie came home! It happened very fast, but luckily I have a great sister who helped me out and brought some stuff with her like a collar and leash. He has his first V-E-T appointment today and hopefully the Doc will say everything looks good. The poor guy was neutered on Friday, then flown on a plane from Kansas to Omaha, NE, and then left at some strange lady's place (who was mean because she made him go out and potty in the rain). The little guy had a rough weekend. To top it off, Frankie has ear mites :( I am super excited to open my home to this little guy and can't wait for the fun adventures that lie ahead!
Oh my goodness!! He is the cutest little guy I have ever seen!!! I love his ears!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to meet him!!